or buried beneath the stones
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Ah. There was the opinionated response he was waiting for, a response the one-eyed idiot had, most likely, been trying to stir out of him unconsciously. He nodded understandingly as Pendzez spoke; interesting opinions or not, the white wolf was unafraid to declare his beliefs and quick to defend them. Ultimately, Jefferson could respect that.

The concept of rebirth and reincarnation, however, brought a twitch to his ear. The cyclops himself thought the idea was rather silly; it was nothing he'd ever thought too hard about. Through his single green eye, Jefferson saw each entity as a single soul, a single life form that could not be duplicated; what creature was once damned remains so. The creature that had killed Iskata would remained damned for as long as its soul remained in a cycle of reincarnation. At the same time, the wicked Maluki had not been reborn into what was now Jefferson -- but the Patriarch was just as unforgivable for his sins even if the memories could not surface.

He snapped back to consciousness after a long while lost in his thoughts. The cyclops rose again to his feet, sighed, and shrugged. "Reborn? I'd hate to think of the damned and dead humans being cycled into the bodies of my kids." He pointed an eye at Pendzez, the new father. "Who do you think got recycled into your pups, Pendz? Butterflies and squirrels?" He rolled his shoulders and glanced away; no, Jefferson was getting sharp instinctively again. There was no need, and he was quick to restrain the sarcasm he'd been working to damper, for Geneva's sake.

Jefferson cleared his throat. "At least you can trust her," he muttered, forcing some sort of warped smile. "I wasn't so lucky." With Mew and Haku untrustworthy, Laruku dead, and the rest of his siblings out of commission, Jefferson had barely any relatives to turn to with trust -- even despite the multitude there were out there.


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