A Little Too Tough
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Small amounts of snow graced the ground he walked on, the warmth of his feet melting the thin layer as he walked. Looking back he smiled slightly at the thought of the footprints, how could he get lost when such a neat trail was left? If you ever met the warrior you would never guess that he was actually afraid of going this far from Crimson dreams especially into territory he had never seen before. It scared him that he might accidentally run into coyotes. Of course not all were bad but there did have the stereotype of being rather nasty creatures. At first glance at Jazper most wolves and coyotes alike would probably take a hike in the opposite direction rather quickly. He wasn't a wolf to mess with, nor was his pack. The ebony male already had a game plan if a stranger walked into Crimson Dreams with the intent to hurt someone. It involved lots of blood and guts, specifically that of the opposed. Not that any one wolf or coyote would be able to stand up to his pack, it was filled with fairly decent sized wolves and they had a large number of them.

As his thoughts continued to focus on the pleasant thought of home he walked on only to find himself face to face with yet another new face. He was a fairly good sized wolf, but it seemed that he had perhaps been in perhaps a few too many fights. Golden eyes looked down at the brown hued male as he took in the many scars that lined his body, including a strike that had left the poor male with only one eye. At the question Jazper shrugged, “A little further than usual.” He could remember part of this males scent, it was familiar in a far off memory of his mother, the smell of the Valley. “Your from Phoenix Valley.” He stated more than questioned. It was the same scent, he was sure of it. “My adoptive mother Deuce was once part of the pack. I was just on my way to stop in and meet the leader. My friend Kansas told me his name is Jefferson.” It had surprised him to know that Kansas knew the leader of his mother pack but a name would make finding him much easier.


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