or buried beneath the stones
Pendzez somehow saw that Jefferson respected Pendzez's belief's. Pendzez wasn't really surprised. He noticed that, ever since Geneva became a sub-leader, Jefferson has been somehow more... kind and less grumpy. It was noticeable, however, Pendzez knew that Geneva was a great influence on him. Pendzez knew that one day he would be more happy, even if it's in strange ways.

Pendzez remained silent as he somehow got the idea that sinners become become reborn into innocence. That was wrong. "Evil and damned have no place in the afterlife. Those that remain evil are bound to the darkness that is in their hearts. There is light and there is dark. It's up to us to decide what path we choose."

Pendzez can always trust his sister. Though they have not seen each other in months, he can still trust her. "She is someone I can trust. She has not lied to me once." Pendzez had sympathy for the cyclops. "Who was she? Your sister?"

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