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The fog was surprisingly easy to get used to. After spending a few days doing nothing but inspecting the mist-draped lands of Clouded Tears, Jajuka had become familiar with most of the territory and its quirky idea of weather. But that was to be expected; the youth was quite capable of adapting to new situations quickly. A slight grin on his maw, he turned away from the frozen lake and headed south, following the path the river created. He’d make his way across that bridge he spotted earlier.

Before long, the wooden structure peeked through the mist. It appeared that someone was sitting idly on the railing. As he thought about how annoying it would be to stop for idle chit-chat, Jajuka realized that he had met this wolf before. It was the man who had first spotted him on the border of the pack. He took a step onto the wooden structure, fully intending to continue on his merry way. The Ur’akai wolf gave him a look, nothing more than an acknowledgment, but one could easily find a bit of a challenge in it, if that were expected.

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