and the night, it is aching
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Snake was studying the undulations that appeared in the dark curtains of the storm-clouds as flashes of lightning illuminated them, each for moments at a time and then dark once more. They were growing more and more rapid now, flashes that appeared once every few seconds. It would be a vicious storm, though perhaps it would not break over the coast. He could only hope. Rain always made him worry for his makeshift den, as it was prone to leaks sometimes. He thought he had made it virtually waterproof, but, of course, they said the Titanic unsinkable…

The sound of footsteps roused him from his thoughts, and he looked towards where he heard it. Another coyote (though, from the slight rounded nature of his muzzle, Snake guessed that he was a hybrid much like the Inferni leaders) approached, his coloring browner and darker. Snake’s immediate reaction was to bristle—the fur along his shoulders prickled like the quills of the porcupine before he settled back down a moment ago. Why? Well, this stranger resembled Foxhound very much in this dim light. If he hadn’t noticed that this stranger’s eyes were violet instead of olive, as his twin’s were, he would have drawn his knife in order to defend himself.

As it was, he merely stood and regarded the other Inferni member with a dipped head and silence, for the beginning. The stranger greeted him in an accent that Snake, whom had never stepped paw outside of Canada’s borders, had never heard. It was interesting, though. As for his question, Snake merely answered in his robotic and flat fashion, “I suppose. I couldn’t sleep, and I decided to have a look around.” He paused, knowing that the inevitable introductions were coming on, so he decided to take the initiative. “My name is Snake.”


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