look to the western sky
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/endoftheworld.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:243px;">


The hybrid was lost in contemplation, sitting on the edge of her bed. Her single eye seemed to stare right through everything rather than at anything in particular, and it glazed slightly, growing fuzzy and dim with memory. The hybrid's head was not trapped in her more recent dilemma, thankfully—her contemplations were of when her children were young and small, tucked to her body and utterly helpless without her. The coyote woman missed this desperately, and as of late she'd been contemplating stealing a puppy for herself. Or rather, having Vieira do it—such a task was now below the hybrid woman by her considerations. Even so, Viei smelled of Inferni, and wherever she trespassed to steal this puppy she would no doubt bring their scent. The silver-furred woman had no desire to bring an angry mother and her pack down on Inferni in vengeance, though the hybrid had hardly paused to consider the moral implications of stealing a puppy.

A voice snapped her trance, and the ash-furred hybrid lifted her head, her golden eye growing sharp as she peered to the entrance of her cave, viewing most of a shadowy figure with the winter sun reflecting the girl's shadowy sillouhette. "Come in," the hybrid said somewhat awkwardly. By her calculations, Vieira lived here too—even if the alcove wasn't its own separate space, the hybrid didn't figure Vieira should have to ask to enter her own living space... still, she certainly appreciated the woman's politeness in not barging right in on Kaena. The ashen-furred woman watched for the smaller coyote's entrance, already aware that the coyote had completed her city venturing task. Snake had come to ask Kae's permission that Vieira keep her legos, something which Kaena found acceptable yet strange, since by her memory she'd told the tawny-furred canine to get something for herself anyway.

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