look to the western sky
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

There was little left of Kaena that could be called normal; the hybrid woman that had replaced Kaena in the recent days was altogether different. She was quieter, far more withdrawn, either keeping to herself or darting off to the reaches of the territory to seek her solitude. She rarely ventured outside of the coyote territory for fear of re-meeting Haku Soul there somewhere out there, and spent most of her time holed up in her own cave, avoiding the hell out of anyone who could be avoided.

The smaller canine entered, and began unpacking the items Kaena had sent her for. The hybrid's sharp eye regarded each of the items even in the dim light of the cave, regarding first the matches and then the blankets, the candles and some other things she did not recognize. Squinting her yellow-golden eye at these, she looked to Vieira and found an explanation well on the way. The hybrid nodded, excited at the prospect of eating seasoned food proper. The hybrid only had to insure that the other canine used the same exact things on Kaena's food as she did her own; the hybrid woman had no idea what was poisonous and what was not, and the dried quality of the herbs meant it was pretty much up to Viei to weed out the stuff that would kill them.

"Looking forward to eating something you cook with them," the hybrid admitted, her eyes roving over the blankets. She leaned forward to pick them up, one by one. They were all of decent quality, some slightly thicker than others, some slightly scratchier. She took two for herself and handed two back to Vieira, figuring they'd keep the other for spare. "Sounds like a plan to me," the hybrid responded, agreeing to the idea that they might have a garden. The coyote woman figured she could maybe convince Anselm to grow something there, and then Kaena would have her own stash of marijuana for personal use and trading purposes.

The silver-furred hybrid's ears flicked at the clanking noise, and she watched incredulously as the other canine retrieved a chain and collar from the bag. The coyote could not stifle a laugh, and she grinned fiercely at Vieira, her golden eye sparkling mischievously. "Girl, I was only kidding with you to bring that thing here," she said, though there was no scolding in her tone. "Though I suppose now that you've brought them..." she trailed off, considering for too long a minute, finally tilting her head back with a grin. "Nah, no need to punish you," the coyote concluded, shaking her head. "You did good with the stuff," the coyote said, sweeping a hand over the possessions Vieira had returned with.

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