cyclone cellar.
Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in:

The male had been up early. He had been getting his traps and prey together, as well as him doing his "border control" duties before he was able to relax and eat some breakfast and maybe travel to Halifax. Well...He definitely needed to go to Halifax, because he needed some blankets for his steed (whom he had recently named) and he also needed to get a few other things while he was there. He made a mental list, though it was kind of failing just because he couldn't think of what else he needed besides blankets and a bandanna. Then it hit him. He needed to get some alcohol while he was out as well. He nodded his head as he took the reigns to his horse and pulled them in, pulling the horse to a stop before he dismounted and looked at his tripped trap. It looked as if something bigger than what the trap was made for had trampled over it. He sighed lightly. Sometimes he wished that the coyotes would keep clear of the traps that were put into plan view for the 'yotes but hidden for the rodents. But of course, most of the 'yotes didn't know him here, and much less did they know that he was a trapper.

All in all, this trap was to be trashed, simply because the sticks and rope had been pummeled into the ground, torn to pieces. He sighed lightly, and picked up the pieces before digging a small hole and putting the parts in the hole and burying it. He was rather frustrated at the fact that half of his traps were either destroyed or knocked over, but since he wasn't one of the more social of the 'yote clan, he couldn't warn very many of the traps that helped him when he could not track down food himself. Plus, he felt that if he went around talking about it, then a whole bunch of them would actually claim his traps as their own and steal his prey from his traps. (though this probably happened anyways since he only checked his traps twice a day) The male was quick to remount his steed and take the reigns to his hands, before he pulled the reign to the left, ultimately telling the horse that they were to go to the left. The two did an "about face" before he tapped the horse's side. The stallion then took off in the direction of the next stop.

Cotl and Maschine (the stallion) moved along the terra before Cotl's sharp eyes caught the sight of a golden and black coat along the barren land. Cotl instantly pulled on the reigns, and the stallion skidded to a halt. His own audits pulled back lightly before he took in the scent. Male. Inferni. This other one wreaked of Inferni, so he figured the male to be an older member. More than likely a higher rank as well. Cotl sat there though, on top of his stallion, just watching the male whom had been running along the lands in his secui form. Secui was the form that Cotl avoided using, simply because the bulk was not for him. He was built for running, and he was slightly slower in Secui than in his optime and lupus forms. Apparently, this male though different. Either that, or the male had been planning on going somewhere far, and it was his fastest form. Bi-colored orbs stayed on the male. Silence.

ooc: "This is the New Shit" by Marilyn Manson.--Dude, it's cool. <3 ----500+


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