cyclone cellar.
He opened up his door, and popped me in the face.
It blew me off the porch, and cracked my head in half,
But I'm a Juggalo, so it only made me laugh.

Hey! it didn't take long. Audits fell back on his head. Is that what happens when a wolf fucks a deer? the male joked to him lightly. Cotl let one audit pull up at the male, slightly confused about what exactly he was talking about, and he even looked at himself and the horse for a second, trying to find an answer for the male. The only thing he could come up with was a shrug of his shoulders and a small forced chuckle. He watched the male as he cautiously trotted forward towards himself and the stallion. The horse turned his head and gave a soft nicker as the other canine had come up. It was obvious that the horse had been comfortable around the canines, simply because the equine had barely cared about an unknown canine coming up to him (though if they touched his reigns and tried to lead him, then he would lock up and not move unless his master said it was safe to do so. Cotl watched the golden male though, still very cautious about him.

Bi-colored orbs were on the male, and then his voice entered the air once more. The hell is that thing? Can I touch it? the male asked. Cotl looked down at the canine before he nodded his head. It's a hors. Und ja, -SCHEISS- go ahead. Just don't grab the reigns. he spoke, nodding his head still before he let a small welcoming smile form on his maw. He tried very hard not to pick fights with the Inferni members, simply because of the fact that he would be seeing more and more of these fools around the lands. The mounted male let both of his audits flip back up before he decided to speak again, this time offering the male his name. Meinen name ist Cotl Ulrich. Dich? he couldn't help but slip back into his own home language, and he often forgot that he was in a new place, where he had not even met another that shared his home language.

The horse nickered lightly, again, for what reason, Cotl did not know. Possibly a greeting to the other male?


ooc: Pfft, Sometimes I feel like a write completely sluggishly; short >.> sorry. That table, and the "He's a timebomb" table of your have to be my two favorites <3


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