I'm a Punk, I'm a Sinner, I'm a Freak.
Oh gosh, I'm obviously totally blind and missed that Cotl mentioned the piercing and tattooing. Oh well, we can just pretend that Dante's just deaf. ^_^;; And I'm really sorry this is so late! End of semester killed me dead.

He had shit to do, huh? Quite the important little busy body, wasn’t he? He wondered what it must be like to be so damn busy that he would need some horse to cart him around the city while he sat there and looked pretty. It all sounded fairly obnoxious to him, but hey, what the hell did Dante know about all of that? There didn’t really seem to be any point to it all, in his opinion. But if that’s how this guy wanted to spend his time, rushing around, he could feel free. “Good fer you, then. Have fun with that.”

Pierce and tattoo, pierce and tattoo, right. Leave it to Dante to miss the facts staring him right in the face. It made sense, given this stranger’s apparent love of body modifications. Such things usually interested the hybrid boy as well, as he himself had dabbled in it in the past. The numerous piercings that lined his ears were a testament to his own experience in that art, a product of boredom and seclusion while he had lived down south. Tattoos he had seen before, though he had zero personal experience with them to speak of. It could be an interesting thing to pursue in the future, but right now it didn’t seem likely to happen. Andante shrugged his shoulders before crossing his arms over his chest. “Don’t exactly got anything ta offer ya in ‘equivalent exchange,’” he spoke simply. Dante didn’t have any of his usual trinkets on him, and this bastard certainly wasn’t claiming to be some charity worker. “Guess I ain’t yer next customer, bud. No point in wasting any of yer precious time, then.” His usual sneer accompanied the last comment. Well, the doggish male could make it a point to piss off the stranger by keeping him away from his oh-so-important business, though he had a feeling this guy would just take off into the sunset before Dante could have too much fun.


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