cyclone cellar.
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        The hybrid reared up gently on his hind legs, making a point to keep his claws from even lightly poking into the horse's side. Even now he was shifting, though it mightn't have been immediately apparent as the transformation took place from the ground up. His hind legs grew longer and his feet more stabilised for walking on two legs instead of four; his back straightened and he progressively transitioned to his full height. Finally he backed away, one paw that was now more a hand stroking the animal's neck gently. The entire process took under a minute--perhaps giving Cotl insight as to his form preference. It was not his fastest or his strongest, but it was the best compromise between the two and the easiest to get him where he needed to be fast. Furthermore, the Caelum shifted between all of his forms daily for practise and though he could complete in a full shift within a few minutes, having a head start never hurt.

        Seemingly satisfied with his little inspection, he gave a simple nod (to the horse or the rider, who knew) before taking a step back. Only as he moved away did he catch a glimpse of some irregular thing on the other male's body; on one out-turned leg, on the thigh, there were words of all things. A tattoo! No sooner had the words and placement registered did a hearty, raucous laugh bubble up from his gut: "Ha ha!! That's rich, man." He reached out a hand to the hybrid, who spoke in a thick accent he vaguely recognised, though had not heard in ages. "Anselm de le Poer." It seemed as though they attracted all sorts of diversity here; though Anselm was unfamiliar with the German language, simple context clues were enough for him to figure it out. He was versed well enough in Spanish that different languages neither confused nor intimidated him.

        "So another traveller, eh?" he wondered, one brow lifted curiously. "How'd you get the horse all the way across the ocean?" As he'd never seen one before, it only made sense that the horse had arrived with Cotl. The pair seemed quite comfortable in one another's presence and such bonds usually took a considerable amount of time to form; then again, there were always exceptions. Now that he was somewhat less distracted by the huge animal, he was free to consider the Praeses more closely. His markings, strangely, reminded him of a cross between himself and his doggish cousin: rusty gold, but with a black muzzle and saddle. Peculiar. The eyes were even more bizarre, though he didn't allow his gaze to linger very long--he was simply taking a mental snapshot, not trying to present a challenge.

        With that, he dropped back to the ground and padded along on all fours, a gait he had perfected in the typically bipedal form to the point where it barely looked awkward. His pace was slow and inviting, but his mission was not forgotten; for however long Cotl wished to follow him and converse was fine, but Anselm didn't want to procrastinate any more than he had already.

LOL. Your replies are neither sluggish nor short. >_> And thanks Big Grin -Glad someone derives some level of amusement from her ADD/compulsive table switching.- Also, feel free to powerplay them moving toward the city as much as you'd like. :o

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