cyclone cellar.

lulz, I've always found Eminem entirely too amusing. "I'm Shady" would probably be appropriate for Anselm at this point. -Should add that to his playlist!- XD sliiiight powerplay involved with the "there are x,y,z conversations going on at once" phenomenon, let me know if it should be changed. :p


Outside of Inferni he was wary of giving his full title; the de le Poers were a fairly infamous bunch, and though he didn't suspect anyone remembered Damian or Ahren's reign in Chimera any longer, his cousin remained at the helm of the rowdy coyote clan. He wouldn't play ignorant to their notoriety--children spoke of them as bogeymen, and only foolhardy adults dared to traipse near their borders. Regardless, such paranoia within their ranks was unfounded; furthermore, when offered a surname, he only found it polite to reply in turn with his own. Even still he thought nothing of it. Cotl's name was unlike any he'd heard in the past and there was a powerful, guttural sound to it that made it stand out all the more. An interesting name for an interesting creature was all too fitting, he supposed.

The little outburst (this time in a language he understood; the previous may have well been a command for the horse, as far as he knew) caused one brow to lift. It seemed so random and uncontrolled, though nothing else about the mutt suggested anything was terribly off. At first he tried to ignore it, but when the issue showed again his brows knitted together in a frown. The words weren't directed at him, it seemed, but if that were the case... what was he cussing about? Are you in pain? he wondered simply, figuring if he were having some kind of heart attack he'd be yelling out seemingly random swears as well. Only when the behaviour was confirmed as some kind of quirk or tic did he continue.

Huh. But oh, yeah. Ember seems alright. I can't say I make it down to that stretch of the woods all too often... definitely never been inside. Aniwaya was about as far out of the way as one could get from Inferni; they were literally on opposite ends of the map. Can't say I ever got into the idea of piercings, he mused, glancing up to catch the metallic glint off of Cotl's. It seemed like such accessories could be ripped off entirely too easy during a chase through thick vegetation or during a fight. More of a tattoo guy myself, he added, turning his body so that the jockey could see both his shoulder and foot tats.

Dahlia de Mai--to our west--and Phoenix Valley in the south are our closest neighbours. There was some tension with the latter earlier this summer, but I think it's blown over. As for Dahlia, though, they've got some jackass in charge whose about as stable as a landslide--just as dangerous, too. A slow shrug. Though things had been quiet, Anselm never took anything for granted where Haku was concerned. Other than that there's Crimson Dreams and Cour des Miracles; both are pretty laid back groups and I'd say I have friends in both, including the Dreamer's commander. Mostly I stick 'round here and Halifax, though... where I'm going now, at any rate, he added as an afterthought.


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