Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!

sorry for the waaait.

Endymion's expression turned sour, marked with chagrin like a child being carlessly dismissed. While he often appeared obliviously optimistic, he did observe and understand more than people realized. He'd heard of Storm's stance on the matter; their Alpha would support the hellion if it came to a battle. Endymion really couldn't care at this point if he had an enemy in Storm or not. Up until a few moments ago, he was worrying about whether or not Jaded Shadows would have an enemy in Inferni. Now that that suspicion was tossed aside, he felt (rather needlessly) confident.
"I'll do what I need to keep my family safe," he muttered darkly, green eyes no longer earnest but grim. "What would you do?" he asked rhetorically, though rather curious to hear the answer anyway. This man, though only a month or so older than Endymion, had more experience in war and its necessary tactics. Perhaps the red wolf would pick something up.


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