goodbye Horses, i'm flying over you.


Was it naive of him to ask her? Perhaps he wondered if he really was doing enough, if there was anything more he could do. Kansas was thoughtful around others, most importantly Savina, and he grasped at anything that came to mind that might bring a smile to her face. Anu's response was acceptable to him, and he grinned in a sad way, nodding as his face fell to watch the grass between his paws. He needed a moment, just to gather himself. Part of him had wanted Anu to suggest something he'd never tried before, something magical and wonderful. But no wolf could quite reach that realm, even one as respectable as the cobalt-eyed female. His logical self knew this.

After he'd ensured within his mind that he would not shed tears in front of his Lt. General, Kansas returned his gaze to her with a stiffening of his shoulders. "Thank you," In a way, he felt good about the words Anu had told him to share with Savina. It meant he wasn't missing something important. "And... Savina loves you. Thank you for being such a good friend to her." He truly was grateful, and he wanted the gray fem to know. They hadn't crossed paths much before now, but he had a feeling they each knew more about one another than could be expected of two strangers.


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