look to the western sky

The coyote's eyes were on the other canine's back, studying the womanly curve of it. The silver-furred woman had no true idea how old Vieira was, and by Kaena's estimation she was barely past two. Still, there was an undeniable curve to her hips, accented by the tawny-furred canine's slight form and thinness. Kae thought Vieira had put on a pound or two since her arrival in Inferni, but she did not know for sure. She'd been a skinny little thing upon first arriving, and the silver-furred hybrid's attempts to feed her had not increased her weight greatly. The hybrid considered this vaguely as she listened to the tawny canine fiddle with the collar, the slight clanking noise as she looped the chain through the hole and slid it over her head.

The ash-furred canid inhaled as Vieira turned around, and it was not until several moments later she realized she held that same breath, her eye drawn to the sharp silver around the other canine's neck. The chain hung heavily in her fur, the silvery metal glinting faintly in the sunlight filtering through the cave. A vague sort of excitement rushed at Kaena, distant and dim, as if there were a perforated wall between her consciousness and this rush of emotion, allowing some of it to slip through but not nearly all of it.

The hybrid's yellowy eye sized up the other canine once more, sliding from the woman's neck and down over her shoulders, lingering for a moment on her hips, traveling up and down the other canine's legs. It was an appreciative look, and a disconcerting sense of arousal flooded the hybrid. "It suits you," she said, but her voice was not even the slightest bit derisive—instead Kae's voice sounded thick, as if choked with smoke.

thanks to james for the header image
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