Look into the future,
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... ross-1.png); background-color:#350306; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

"The group is 'Last House on the Left', and the title of the album is 'Among Flies,'" he explained. Some of the CDs he'd found had scratched or ripped labels, but this one had been nearly crystal clear. He was fortunate to know how to read, a skill that he'd learned from his sister, Naniko. Reading was part of what had shaped who he was, so the fact that Cotl shared the ability boosted Kansas's respect for him considerably. "We should go there together. To Halifax. I could, you know, help you... pick some shit out." He nodded with a small grin to confirm that he truly would like to do this. He needed more friends, and if Cotl did not consider him too great a fool for friendship, then this was a fine opportunity to work on making it so.

Kansas followed the smaller canine's lead, sitting rather femininely on the log and positively grinning from ear to ear. There were many reasons for his excitement; foremost, how his mate would react. "Nice to meet you, Cotl." One leg wiggled anxiously as he watched the other with curiosity in his pale eyes. "Did you... do all your piercings yourself?" He guessed that at least some of them were self-inflicted. Kansas, on the other hand, could never pierce himself. The sight of blood made him just slightly woozy, so he'd probably chicken out before he could even draw blood. But that was just his wimpy self, and he acknowledged this thoughtfully as he harmlessly studied his new acquaintance.


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