Show me something I haven't seen

whee! 300+

After her encounter with her mother she had left the clan lands in a huff, unable to stand the thought of staying there a moment longer. The clan had done horrible things before. Things that made Rikka sick to her stomach, but at least that had been to outsiders, most often a person or group that Inferni had viewed as a threat. Never would she have imagined that a coyote would be submitted to something so inherently wrong within the very borders of the clan. As unlikely as it had been, she had held out a small hope that she could in some way convince Kaena to have a change of mind. That hadn't happened and she had just needed to get out and away from all the shit of her "home", if she could even call it that. At first she had thought it might actually feel like home, but after this she doubted it. How could she possibly be content in a place that allowed other canines to be kept as slaves? It was so damn wrong. Part of the peace-loving woman wanted to just take off back to the commune and chalk her trek back up here up to temporary insanity. Though in that moment she remembered that Gabriel had been less than thrilled about what Kaena was doing too. Maybe he would make things better. Still, she needed some time away from the clan. Time to clear her head.

Almost inadvertently she had ended up walking to the city that she had been meaning to come to. It was all for the best though, she needed to gather blankets and other things for the winter as she had none. Maybe she could find some candles and more matches as well. Hell, if she searched enough maybe she could find the materials to do some tye dying. That would be a welcome and familiar distraction not to mention it would add some color to cave back in Inferni. Rikka had become a creature of bright colors and living in such a dank space was no doubt helping to wear down her spirit. A particularly cold wind blew over her and her shoulders hunched as she shivered. Right now though, a shelter and a smoke would be best.

Looking around for a suitable building as her hand rummaged around in her pack to find the case holding her joints she spotted an open door. Grinning she walked over to it and she looked down at the case she had just retrieved. Not paying attention she bumped into someone just inside the door. "Oh jeez, sorry about that!" she exclaimed, squinting as her eyes were still adjusting to the low light.

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