look to the western sky
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/endoftheworld.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:243px;">


The silvery hybrid watched as Vieira emerged slowly from her smaller room, trotting out into the lighter areas of the cave. The hybrid glanced into the shadow of the other canine's dwelling, tilting her head to the side as her eyes assessed the relative gloom in the alcove. She considered for a moment, and glanced at her supply of candles. There were enough now to sustain them for a while, and as she swiveled her head back to the other canine clambering up onto the bed, she spoke. "You can take a candle, if you want. You'll be able to play with your toys at night, then," the hybrid said. She hadn't given Vieira the permission for matches, but she figured that was a given&8212;what use was a candle without a borrowed match, after all?

The hybrid peered at her new bedmate, golden eye staring quizzically as she tried to determine how Vieira was feeling at that moment. There was distance between the two of them, clearly placed between their bodies, as if at any moment Vieira might bolt and run back to her own space. There was clear discomfort present in the other canine, but the silver-furred hybrid had no underlying motive now; this was simply the best place to sit in this part of the cave, and she wanted to be on the same level as Vieira to converse with her open and honestly. If she was elevated above the other canine, it conveyed a quite clear sense of who was dominant and who was submissive without so much as a twitch from the ear, head, or tail.

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