look to the western sky
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

The tawny canine did not make a move to reach for the candle and it took Kaena a moment to realize why. Kae realized they were closer to her, situated practically behind her own shaggy silver head. The hybrid half-grinned at this, turning her head away from the Quintus to disguise this show of emotion as she reached for one of them. They were all roughly the same size, though their shapes were varied—some were thin and long, some were fat and short. The coyote's silvery fingers danced over them for a minute, considering which one to select for Vieira.

She picked up a pale yellow thing, perhaps once a brilliant lemony color, now faded to an almost-white. The fresh wick stuck up from it, and as the hybrid turned back she plucked at it slightly, making sure it was still stiff and good to light. Turning back toward Viei, she stretched out her hand to the other canine and offered it to her, golden eye locked onto the other canine's face, watching for her reaction, always testing her, gauging her, prodding at her to see where she was stretched thin and where she would give in. The hybrid had found no points of strength in the smaller canine thus far, but that did not mean they did not exist.

"Tell me more about where you came from," the hybrid woman said, desiring to know more of Astaroth's strange world. Maybe it would help her to better understand the smaller coyote sitting just to the side of her.

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