When it rains


The girl was not waiting eagerly for his reaction. She had troubles seeing rodents the way the general population did. To her they could destroy and serve, but quite a few had wrinkled their noses when this particular hobby of hers was revealed. It was well done by the male to stay from mention the rodents losing their lives in his traps, although the majority of the rats were probably not hers. It was not hard to obtain more to amend her losses, but training them took time if she insisted on the creature to be obedient and somewhat dependable. His voice did not strike her as impressed, but then again she had never expected him to be. She could not see this coming as a real surprise to him though – not if he had ever been down in the cellar of the mansion where the two cages with killer rodents were located.

His answer was quite satisfying, and as he spoke she made it a mission to filter out his profanities as best she could. It would not help if she let her entire focus stray whenever he had an outburst. His range of abilities stretched further than hers, and her copper coated ears fell somewhat as she felt envy. The Lykoi star had hurt, but it was so beautiful. The thought of adding more ink on her body was not indelicate. Ruby eyes took in his pierced face and she tried to picture her own face with similar ornaments. She could not see it as an advantage in battle though; for such things could so easily be ripped out – or so she imagined. She was slightly surprised at where her thoughts had so quickly brought her, but it definitely lessened her desire for piercing her own flesh.

”Mm, tempting offer.,” the girl mumbled with a small smile, wondering what the hell should be her next tattoo in that case. She watched him in silence and let her mind drift off as he prepared the food.


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