look to the western sky
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

The silver-furred hybrid was fascinated by the place where Astaroth had come from. What would have possessed a creature like him to move through life as he did? The hybrid woman did not understand what might have motivated the sable-furred man to act in the way that he did, fathering children only to leave the mother to spawn them and raise them, returning only after they were far too old to be taken themselves, stealing another daughter of Kaena's despite an utter lack of blood connection between Astaroth and Eris.

She listened to Vieira speak of warmth, her russet muzzle wrinkling as she considered the woman's words. The smaller canine did not profess to know too much knowledge of their social structure, which was disappointing to Kae—then again, Vieira would be exposed to an entirely different rung of the social ladder than Astaroth or his siblings, would she not? Slaves weren't exactly in the same social sphere as their masters, to say the least. "You did not have your own place to stay, other than outside?" the hybrid asked, curious at this. She wondered what it would be like to be completely separate from everyone else. "Did others know... what you are?" she asked, again hesitant to refer to Vieira as any concrete term.

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