look to the western sky


"No, ma'am," she said carefully. It was not something she could lie about or even tiptoe around answering. She was not sure how the woman in front of her knew her father and she doubted she knew Sivaro. Her mind did not even linger on trying to find an answer that would get her out of saying yes or no and she found it safest to tell the truth. Vieira had no clue what she would do if either of them were still alive or after being with Kaena, what she would do if she were forced back to Eris. She heard her pleading in her mind from a few days ago, begging not to be sent back and for a punishment instead. Vieira had not wanted to be punished at all but she did not want to return.

The next question Vieira felt a burden. Part of her felt she needed to describe Eris in every possible detail because it was Kaena's daughter, because the mother seemed to know very little. Vieira did not even know much about her other than a handful. "I do not know much, miss... I just know she did not care for me," she began and felt a pain start in her eyes and her ears fell back against her head in thought. She did not know if her two former owners were better with their attention to detail on her or Eris with her lack of proper care. "She was very dominating, very... high up, I guess. And unclear," she said and stared hard at the candle.

"She would punish me without telling me what I had done wrong," she went on to explain and gripped the wax as she thought about her past. "I cannot correct myself if I do not know what I did wrong," she added and blinked back the tears of frustration.

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