look to the western sky
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Kaena wondered if Viei would ever miss her. The hybrid did not hold any delusions about living forever, and she was certain at some point the smaller coyote would leave. Either that, or Kaena would die first. She didn't think she'd like to send the younger canine away; Vieira had already proven herself quite useful, and now, beyond that, there was the creepy-crawly sensation of affection stirring within the hybrid, confused desires to mother and fuck and utterly dominate Vieira twisting through the silver hybrid's brain at all times. The silver-furred woman did not know what she wanted to do with the other coyote, not at all.

The silvery hybrid's attention was rapt as the other spoke of Eris. The coyote tried to imagine her daughter all grown up, an adult woman with Salvaged Eternity's burning green eye. Her family was immense, larger than Kaena's and mostly unknown—who could say how many children Salvaged Eternity had sired over the years? The coyote woman was not special for whelping his child, but perhaps in creating Eris with his genes and her own she had created some kind of monster. What Vieira had described sounded vaguely like Salvaged, and she tilted her head as she turned to the other canine, smiling faintly, though it was an odd sort of smile—it conveyed sorrow rather than joy. "Maybe she simply enjoyed punishing you for the hell of it," the hybrid said, her voice sounding rather gruff at this.

"Maybe you didn't do anything wrong at all," the hybrid woman suggested, sounding vaguely sympathetic toward Vieira. It was probably well within Eris's demeanor to be nasty without provocation; she had inherited that from both sides of her family.

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