look to the western sky
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

The other canine remained quiet for several long moments, and Kaena herself was caught in contemplation. Her youngest daughter was a mystery; she did not understand the sable-furred girl's actions any better than she did Vitium's. It was nonsensical to her, to betray one's blood and then send back to Inferni some precious resource, whether it was three beautiful children or a small, underfed slavegirl. They abandoned home for faraway places, only they found it fit to still love their mother and family in some strange way, sending off gifts of live canines to the coyote clan to strengthen it. Kaena could have laughed.

The hybrid leaned forward, tucking her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on one of them, appearing quite serene and thoughtful for the moment. Her yellowed eyes flicked over to Vieira, still holding onto the candle tightly. "Did Eris ever speak of me?" The hybrid was most curious to know what her sable-furred daughter thought of her. Certainly Kaena was not revered by the dark-furred coyote. Otherwise, Eris would never have left her mother in the first place.

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