look to the western sky
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

The ash-furred canine rolled one of her shoulders in a shrug to the other canine, shaking her silvery head just a little bit, that same faded, sad smile plastered on her scarred muzzle, just barely tugging her coal lips upward. Eris would remain a mystery, perhaps for the rest of her life—Kaena certainly would not travel to Eterne to find her, not unless by some tragic twist of fate she was thrown out of Inferni or it was otherwise dissolved. Even then, Kaena would more than likely seek the wolf half of her family out before going all the goddamn way to Mexico. Even the Malai Ratree were infinitely closer.

"I am her mother, and I don't know a damn thing about her," the coyote said gruffly, though this was more of a lamentation than anything else. "Up until you showed up I didn't want to know anything about her," the hybrid confessed, shaking her head slightly, appearing rather disheartened with the whole thing. It wasn't as if she'd expected some giant heart-to-heart to reveal everything about her daughter, but she was still grasping at straws, without a single concrete thing to believe about Eris Lykoi.

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