turning us into monsters.
http://i42.tinypic.com/2dif428.png); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 500px; background-color: #000;">
Kaena moved in quickly, spending little time to consider the severity of her wounds. Like any well-trained soldier of Inferni, she attacked for the glory of Inferni. Although she would have probably liked to think she was more valuable than any low-ranked Tirones, he knew she was just another soldier. They were all soldiers, and she just happened to have a little more experience. Of course, that also meant they could work in tandem, two soldiers attacking the same enemy. The equality on the battlefield made it easier to relate to her. The fact that they were both now covered in the blood of the wolf united them. This was their kill tonight, but it was for the glory and maintenance of Inferni.

The wolf was screaming out now, but it only lasted for a few more moments. In the time Hybrid had paused, the girl only had enough time to take a breath before Kaena was upon her. The Centurion bit into the girl's neck, allowing the girl to thrash about for a few more seconds before she died with a look of betrayal on her eyes. Hybrid grinned in reply, but knew he was too late. Kaena was too efficient; the wolf never stood a chance. Kaena jerked her head back and forth as Hybrid gave the wolf's shoulder one last tug, freeing her foreleg from its socket. Hybrid grinned spat out the appendage, pausing for a moment to admire their handiwork. To the glory of Inferni.


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