look to the western sky
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

The coyote woman had not thought of Eris as one of her beloved children for too long. Walking away from her dying mother was betrayal, treachery, traitorous action in the same line as Vitium had once committed. It was perhaps worse, since Kaena had not been dying and bleeding out in a patchy little meadow with Vitium; she had been in no danger of dying when Vitium had betrayed Inferni and all of his heritage. When Eris left, she must have thought she was condemning her mother to death. Or had she? Obviously Eris must have known Kae survived still, else she would not have sent Vieira... unless the sable-furred girl was simply sending Viei off in the hope that Kaena had survived somehow, ridding herself of the slavegirl who had grown tiresome?

The coyote didn't know, and thinking about it too much made her skull ache. The other canine spoke and there was a faint smile again, her sable ears folding back into her head. She wondered how much of the past she ought to share with Vieira; knowledge was a dangerous tool in the wrong hands, and what had happened with Eris tread on dangerous territory, as it was so close to what had happened with Astaroth, too. "Thank you," the hybrid said, thinking perhaps Vieira's apology was genuine for her and not intended as an actual apology for not knowing the answers Kaena sought. "She didn't really talk to you, huh? Not like this, anyway," the hybrid said, indicating their present conversation.

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