look to the western sky
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

The silver-furred hybrid listened to the other canine's response, twisting a coal-furred ear to listen. The answer wasn't exact, but Kaena wasn't certain she could ever receive a truly straight answer from the other canine, especially not if Vieira thought there was a possibility she was delivering the "wrong" answer. The hybrid frowned at this; to these open-ended questions there was no wrong answer. The silvery canine wanted her perspective, whether or not Kaena agreed with it. The answer was ambivalent, leaning neither toward good or bad—Kae considered this for a minute and decided it could very well be worse.

"What would you have us speak about?" the hybrid asked, dragging a different sort of question into play. There was no yes or no answer to this one, and it required that Vieira offered something of herself—at least, Kae thought so. There was always the possibility she simply proposed to speak about whatever Kaena wanted, but the silver-furred hybrid was not seeking that answer. It was obvious her most interesting subjects caused some level of discomfort for the tawny Quintus, so the ash-furred canine perhaps sought to trade—for persistently poking at subjects which caused pain to Vieira, Kaena would entertain her thoughts, provided there was anything the other canine wished to express. The hybrid wondered if the ability to speak freely had ever been granted to the other coyote, and an unsettling feeling of sadness washed over Kaena.

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