look to the western sky

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The woman never had any perspective or opinions and simply let things be around her. While this conversation (which was more or less just questioningly) was stressful and Vieira felt the woman was asking for so much against things she could not handle. She could tell her around the bush answers were not really helping the woman but she could not shake the avoidance of pain as much as she possibly could. Had she been with any of her former owners, she would have been punished my now for any multitude of reasons and she only felt it was a matter of time before the other woman fell into those habits.

"Uhm..." she breathed and could not come up with an answer. Her mind could not produce a topic and she almost said the easiest answer she could think of: whatever you wanna talk about. Her jaw tightened and she did her best for the moment to pretend to think of something. Unfortunately, her mind was blank and her thoughts were at a standstill. Vieira became frustrated with herself, a little worried about being sent away (that would just mean she was bad and Kaena was upset). She needed to stick this out. She lifted a hand for everything to pause and she slipped away from the bed.

Her head turned back in order to make sure it was okay for her to walk off and when nothing happened, she reached her small box of legos and bent to pick them up. Swiftly, the woman returned as if nothing happened and she turned back into an Indian-style of setting where she carefully shook the contents out. Only fifteen or twenty fell from the box, the rest inside, and she scooted a couple toward the woman. Her own hands returned to two or three where she tested them, trying to instruct her (when she had not a clue herself) and found the snapped on top of each other. Pleased, she put a smile on her face, and held it up as an example if Kaena should follow suit.


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