goodbye Horses, i'm flying over you.


It was simply genuine concern and honest that Anu saw in Kansas. Secretly she held a piece of his past, but that was not place on him as judgment. She had her own secrets, and every beast was allowed to one or two. Anu had not truly known him before this moment, other then the things said about him. The woman knew how wrong it was to construct and opinion based on second hand knowledge. His past with Naniko would stay buried.

Even if the advice was common knowledge he was appreciative and Anu felt better knowing that she might have been able to help. At the time she had seen Savi she was certain that she had done little to truly help the woman. His next words made her looked to him, not expecting to hear them. Anu could tell that Savina was grateful for her, and she had truly never felt anything other then loved by her Commander. But to think that Kansas would know as well made Anu smile.

Savina was the one that held them together, just as an alpha should.
“I would have been lost, long ago, without her.” She had been the one to pull Anu back from the brink when she could no longer love Nani and found that Geneva was gone from the pack. They seemed to keep each other grounded.
“I don’t have any family here.” Anu spoke, softly as if it was something that needed to be confessed.
“And she has never left me, likes others have.” like all the women she had tried to love.


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