M - Who would ever want to hurt you?
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... dreams.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She was far from untainted, though Samael was making new way for new sins to infest her body and soul once he was done with her. Her terror was temporary muted – pushed aside as the demon’s actions caused her body to writhe with affection for his touch. Halo would never be able to gaze into the twisted reality her Lykoi uncle lived in, but his doings would slowly and determinately lead her into discovering her own inner demons living and breathing within her soul, though undiscovered still. Perhaps her wolfen mother had anticipated her daughter’s future and tried to save her already lost soul by expressing the wish for a different life by granting Halo such a deceiving name. The halo had been pulled down around her neck and tugged her to the ground. Her mind was too pure yet in order to bear to touch the degree of darkness where Samael resided. The possibilities were endless though – someone would just have to guide her along the pitch black path to make certain that she would be swallowed whole by the gloomy beauty – quiescent for now- in her genes.

There was an unexpected urge to reach out to retrieve the man’s hand as it slid away from her abdomen. Had she been able to shift her attention better she would have observed the crimson mark left on her milk coloured stomach. Wherever he had touched her there were traces of crimson, strangely beautiful like in the controversial masterpiece where darkness too could be appreciated by breathless spectators. The absence of the weight of his blood stained claws left her with a strange ache for his presence to intensify. Samael’s caress already seemed to be everywhere. Her body was filled up with endless echoes and ghosts of the touch applied to her most sensitive areas and still there was poured more fuel onto the fire. Her body was seething with conflict – unable to restrain from movement by Samael’s celestial touch, though desperate to find immobility for him to more easily do his magic. She quivered, feeling the unstable jolts of unpolluted bliss meld together into a pulsing wave, gliding closer with rejuvenated intensity.

Dangerously close now – her breathing ceased momentarily as she caught her breath abruptly and reveled at the impossible building sensation engulfing her with ecstasy. Her trembling voice found its way out as the wave flushed through her. Both desperation and satisfaction tugged at her. She wrapped around that impossible pleasure – holding on to it and prayed for it to linger. Right there and then she did not even know her own name. Blood and death were added as the dominant associations to sexual pleasure along with the beautiful sensation of her first orgasm. Realization would come with time – right now she could not care less of how her psyche would suffer.


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