sulphur and flint.

OOC: Big GrinDD I needs more threads!


Cassius had yet to visit the nearby deserted city he had overheard one of the other members talking about. He planned to salvage some new parts, whether he was looking for a certain kind or not. He needed something to do as well, since he'd been bored out of his mind ever since he came to the North. His cousin told him about all the interesting things that happened, good and bad. Cass expected the place to be super exciting, he'd never get bored. But alas, he was, and it kind of pissed him off. He decided to leave the manor where he had his home and took a walk to the north.

He walked and walked, not knowing where he was going, just making sure he didn't go past the Inferni borders. It was kinda cold though, a feeling the hybrid didn't feel often. He looked up, the sky grey like there was a coming storm. He then looked further to the north, seeing a billowing smoke that intrigued him. He proceeded to head that way, wondering what could make that kind of smoke.


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