3:10 to Yuma
There is no way he would understand slang, so there might be a lot of confusion between them. XD

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Perhaps if they ever got on the topic, Snake would be fascinated to talk with Anselm about their personalities, for it seemed he would find a kindred spirit in him. The younger coyote had never really exhibited much emotion, even when he had been a whelp. The training he had received at such a young age, and especially how he had been treated by his supposed father and his twin brother, had definitely stunted whatever had been there in the first place. If he ever did “learn” emotions, he would have to be much like Anselm—be conscious in achieving and displaying them. For, usually, he felt nothing except the barest sorts of thoughts: surprise, interest, and such things.

The red-eyed hybrid cut to a question that Gabriel had never gotten to, and one that Snake answered he had swallowed the bit of food that he had in his mouth and licked his lips clean once or twice. “Not now, but they were here before. They had their own group, but I can’t remember the name of it.” He knew it had something to do with a hollow, but he couldn’t remember the rest. It was especially pointless to mention the name since he had spoken to Kaena about it and she had mentioned Celestial Hollow, which had been around long ago but much longer than his parents’ group of gypsies.

The older man introduced himself as another de le Poer, and Snake’s mind immediately linked him to Gabriel. He thought they might look a little similar, though he didn’t know how close they were in family. But still, Inferni had seemed to him to be a little family-oriented, mainly around the de le Poers and Lykois. It alienated Snake mostly, but it wasn’t really like he wanted to be in on the big, happy family. Family wasn’t his thing. He’d rather stay off by his lonesome for the most part—that was the reason he’d left his parents in the first place.

Anselm de le Poer was his name, and by this time Snake had finished whatever he was going to take from the food that the older hybrid had offered him. He took a respectful step back, replying when he was asked a direct question, “Yes, sir. There was nothing out of the ordinary.” He tried to do at least one patrol when he woke up, though it was largely to make sure Daisuke wasn’t getting smart and wandering into Inferni lands again. At least if his lupine friend was, he could track him down quickly and pretend that he was escorting him out… or something. Snake was perpetually afraid of his friend getting seriously injured with his ignorance to the pack boundaries. He had already gotten scars from fighting here once before, and something told him those would not be the last. Perhaps the coyote should learn to let him reap what he sowed, but Snake would patrol regardless. It was something he felt he should do, for Inferni if not for himself.

Though it was somewhat out of character, he continued, as he felt a little curious. When he had first come here, he had heard of lots of issues with surrounding wolf packs, but for the two months he’d been here, nothing. “It has been calm since I came here a few months ago, and I have heard all these rumors of trouble with wolves.” It was a statement, though his olive eyes remained watchful as he looked for any response from Anselm.


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