unusual situations
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... table8.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
No worries! My turn to make you wait XD Also you might want to check the coding of your table, the text is the same color as the background now D:

Being ignorant of something had never bothered him, it only meant there was the opportunity to learn something new! He had been quite the inquisitive pup and while he wasn't the fountain of questions he used to be he still loved learning new things. He could sense a bit of discomfort coming from Ataxia though he didn't want to say anything about it, it'd probably only make it worse if he drew attention to it. He could only imagine the kinds of picture that her mind must have been stirring up from his description of the equines. Without seeing one it all must sound pretty silly, but once she was able to lay eyes on one she'd understand what it was he was talking about.

He smiled wider though when she seemed to become positively interested in the subject though. While nowhere near an expert, horses were one thing that he thought he had a good deal of knowledge on. "Of course! I wouldn't mind at all! I'm usually at the stables at least once a day so whenever you wanted to pop on over there would be great. Or you could just come find me and I'll take you there, either works for me." Heck, she might even find him out patrolling the borders on Drogon, as he often did. It cut the time it took to complete that task nearly in half which gave him more time to train and do other things.


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