unusual situations

it's quite alright lol<3 but that's odd, it isn't showing up as such on my browser o.O

She was elated to see that he actually seemed generally excited about the prospect of showing off these, 'horse' things. A soft smile graced her lips in a gentle curve, as she looked down a moment, dark eyelashes making her duo colored eyes almost look completely closed. The light breeze of impending winter teased at her white-gold locks, her thick fur standing on edge slightly as the wind ripped through the light lilac coat she'd had for oh so many years.

Clearing her throat, she looked back in Haven's direction now, the timid smile remaining across her mug. "Well thank you, I look forward to it" she couldn't hide the stronger smile that filtered through. It'd been many a month since she'd had a conversation as pleasant as this one had been so far. She had to say, she never realized how much she'd been missing the attention of others. It seemed to take experiencing what she had been lacking to make her realize that she had been lacking in the first place. Yes, she'd made the right decision upon entering this pack.. she was starting to become more sure of this.

Shifting her weight a bit, she let a moment or so pass in silence, before feeling the compulsory need to break it. "Thank you again Haven.." she started, embarrassing herself a bit, as she now fumbled for a better way to explain what she was 'thanking' him for. "It's been a long time since I've been able to enjoy another's company.. I mean.. " she added lamely, her slender shoulders giving a bit of a rolling shrug.


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