Rainy Days

Word Count: 322

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

A female in a log. Now, he could understand the need for shelter. He did not mind, but it would vary from one to another where the line for being comfortable was drawn. Now, she would not have appeared as strange to him if she had reacted in a way he was used to; conversation. Yet this female seemed shy, and it calmed him. He was not always the most comfortable around that gender. Smiling, Dawali jumped down from Belle and bent to look closer at the female in the log. Perhaps she would not be so afraid (for she did seem afraid, to him) if she could see his face better. Now on the ground, Dawali unfastened the great piece of leather he used for camping from the horse's back, held the big, bulking and heavy thing under his arm, and bent down to her. "My name's Dawali. I've got some shelter I can set up, and the means for a fire. Care to join me?" Smiling, he lingered there for a moment before he rose and started to slowly move in direction of a space big enough to make their little tent-like structure. One tree had the perfect branch for fastening the other pieces of wood he would use to build it. Whipping out his stone knife, he started working immediately, collecting semi-thick and long sticks from the forest floor. He would use it to build a leaning skeleton, and dress it in the leathers he had brought. Then, they would be safe from the rain, and could build a fire. Having found enough sticks to start with, he walked over to the horse to find the rope he had brought. He was — as the scouts of the human world would have said — always prepared. Sitting down by the log the female had used as shelted for the rain, he started lashing the sticks together, fingers working fast and automated.


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