sulphur and flint.

OOC: Tis fine <3


The murky fog gave Cassius an uneasy feeling. Nobody liked having you vision impaired like this and have the creeping suspicion that someone that is quite scary be around. Cassius was easily freaked out too, he was not the bravest coyote in the pack. His goggles started to fog up on his head, and his violet eyes looked around him. He could hear something, footsteps possibly. He turned in the direction of the sound and began to see a silhouette, a coyote shaped one. He suspicious was dying down, but not gone.

As he waited, the silhouette became clearer and clearer, revealing a brownish hybrid whom he hadn't met. He could smell Inferni on him, but never seen the guy around at all. "Oh... though you were... someone else. The coyote seemed somewhat intimidating, but Cass shrugged it off. He couldn't be too harmful, could he?


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