because we are miracles, wrapped up in chemicals
Kansas seemed to somehow inherently understand the fact that leadership was not a role that she had been designed for. She had never really thought of herself as a person who would be capable of that sort of thing. She did not doubt that she was responsible enough, but she had never considered herself charismatic. She was a shadow, not a guiding light. Her lips twitched around the corners as she re-evaluated her idea of the qualities that a leader should have; Jefferson certainly was not charismatic in the traditional sense.

"Jefferson is well," she responded. "Grouchy, but that is not new." She rolled her eyes a bit, but her smile remained. It was hard for her to keep the light from her eyes when she spoke about him, although it was not a topic that she brought up often. Her eyes crinkled around the edges and her lips parted, as if her teeth could not hold the information back any longer.

"Jefferson and I....we...are mates," she finished happily, fumbling with the words at first.

She had not divulged that information to anyone else. And she was not one to publicize every detail of her life. But she wanted to share her happiness with someone else. She knew that Kansas held a similar happiness with Savina. She felt that he would understand. And this was not something that she wanted to hold in forever.


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