Newbie - need some critique and advice
Hai! Welcome :3

Your ambitions sound fine, and I think I'd say it's better to start as a youth than a puppy, from a personal viewpoint. I tend to get uncertain about what to do with a puppy, even though they're fun to play, especially if I have set goals. It then feels like the puppy-time is just 'waiting' for him/her to be old enough to learn what I want him/her to learn and so on, so I generally prefer a youth/adult if I can. By puppy I mean 2 months old, by youth I mean around maybe 8-10 months, close to a year, around the age of a human teenager. In the RP guide there is a handy age scale which shows you what mental age we reckon wolves are in by human age, see here:

Body - This again would be reflected in what age you choose for your character. We don't really work with 'stats' if you mean a chart of numeric values. I play a puppy right now which I intend to become quite muscular as an adult, so when he was a puppy I described him as quite large and chubby or well-fed, so it would fit with his later body form. Since you want your character to be in between lean and muscular, I'd say you could simply state that his body is "healthy" in appearance, to keep it neutral until his finished body manifests itself? Smile You should also list his species somewhere in here.

(see here: )
Lupus: The values fit with your description of the body type you are going for.
Secui: 206 inches in length is far off. You should be between 70 and 100 inches. In secui form, he is still on four legs.
Optime: The values fit with your description of the body type you are going for.

Description - I like it, it sounds like he has original markings, and I'm glad to see you've thought to describe his voice also - that's nice! You should state which form he prefers to use, and also perhaps something about posture if you want, or how he carries himself. Does he wear clothing or is he often bringing the same items along?

Maybe you should list some values or opinions he has - for example what is his take on coyotes, or human knowledge/items? What might make him angry, or happy? Also, given how he was so badly treated by his former clan - how is his thoughts on them? Does he seek revenge/hate them? And how does he feel about his mother?

I like your history for the character. You should add something about how he came to 'souls, and perhaps even from which direction, such as 'he traveled bla bla' in search of what? He needs a motive (unless his cause is unmotivated random wandering) for coming here. Of course I guess this also depends on what age you want him to have. Keep in mind that if you settle on a puppy, the walk can't really be too far seeing as he'd die either by starvation or by becoming the prey for other predators such as cougars or bears.

Your writing
Your writing looks fine to me, you have some minor flaws with commas and compounds which looks like they're just mistakes because you wrote a little fast, and not because you don't know the rules. Without having an RP example to look at I can't say much more than that your English is good and you know more fancy words than me Wink

Your Questions
1. To reiterate, I was wondering if I should start him off as an adult or puppy? I'm leaning more toward puppy. I am also perfectly willing to modify his history if need be.
Answered above! :]

2. Is it possible to find a medic and a swordsman to mentor him? Is there any thing I can read to learn more about these arts considering I don't know much about them? I've always been very curious.
Most packs have both medics and swordsmen. If the pack you end up joining doesn't, there are plenty on the board who can teach you stuff. All you need to do is post in roleplay related and ask for threads to teach him that, as soon as you've created your character and been accepted :]

3. Should I modify his stats to be his current size?
This depends on what age you choose. When I play puppies, I tend to write down what I aim for when they're an adult in their profile, and then loosely describe them without numbers above, under a heading such as 'current'. Seeing as they grow so quickly, it's a little bit pointless to add numbers to them when they're puppies - it'd juse give you loads of updating to do :/

4. Is there a section in the RP guide about Inferni?
I don't think so, but there is a lot of info on our packs. All the packs' homepages are linked in the quick links on the index of our page, right below their respective subforum names.
Inferni homepage:
You haven't stated what species your character will belong to: keep in mind that to join Inferni he needs to be pure coyote or a hybrid of at least 25%(? I think it's 25%) coyote. If he's wolf, they won't take him.

Hope this was helpful :]

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