Newbie - need some critique and advice
Vin Furia is not a name taken directly from the movie. I absolutely love the name, so I'm going to keep it. The name references the main actor in the movie and the race the main character is descended from.

To clarify: I am not interested in joining Inferni, just very curious about them because they seemed different from the jump and I thought Inferni was a species, not a clan. Oops! Thank you for your help.

I agree with Jefferson in that he should be an adolescent, sort of in between. Does 10 months sound like a reasonable age?

I will fix the 200 pounds / 7'2"stats. I'll leave the stats out of the profile until he is fully grown and developed. I like the "healthy" appearance description better.

I'm actually not sure what pack I should join actually, I have more research/reading to do. Any suggestions?

I'll have to rewrite the appearance, as the "dusting of brown" is like what it appears to be in this picture: He's got a bit of brown through his coat, despite his black and gray and white appearance.


Oh, values as in he values logic, learning, and has a deep respect for his elders. He doesn't have any feelings about Coyotes or hybrids, he only knows that wolves and coyotes rarely get along and co-exist peacefully. He hasn't really had a chance to interact with his own time, since he was confined a lot when he was extremely young and Iro was his only contact when he was recovering and learning.

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