[A]re [w]e the only ones
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... fucotl.png); background-color:#4f381d; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

OOC: You said you wanted a thread, and I figured since they are going to be house mates anyways, they might as well meet in the mansion.

If I could write off your murder
I'd save all of my receipts
because I'd rather you be dead
than lose a tiny shred of what I made this fiscal year

A new scent was in the house, and he was determined to find the being. He had to go tend to his horse, and things beforehand, but he was determined to find the male whom had come into the house and made himself at home. He didn't want another awkward meeting like his and Halo's had been.. Or atleast, it was slightly awkward. He entered the house, his long black hair in his face, and completely drenched. He entered and shut the down quickly, and then proceeded to shake his entire body of the water, sending it in all directions. The male then proceeded to squeeze his hair of the water before he sighed and trudged up the stairs. He went to his room first, and got his flag and wrapped it around his shoulders. He rubbed on it several times, drying himself off more, and making himself warm. The German then went ahead and ventured out of his room, his long blanket dragging on the ground behind him, just because he was pretty small in height.

Nares picked up the other male's scent as he ventured down the hallway. He heard a groan and figured that's where the other male must be. Cotl approached the doorway that was open to his surprise, and he peeked around to see the male in a chair with some sort of gadget and some books infront of him. Hey stranger. -NYEH- New meat around here? The name's Cotl Ulrich. the male spoke, cold eyes looking at the male whom looked like he could use a bath or...maybe six baths would do it.. The male twitched his neck to the right for a quick second. You aren't busy with that there are ya'? the male asked, his throat clearing itself.

I'd rather you be dead than ponder parting with my second home
I'd rather you be dead than consider not opening a restaurant
I'd rather you be dead


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