Winter song
OOC: Table © Sace

Music is as diverse as the individuals in our own world, as our souls. It can express anything you want, be that happiness, sadness, anger or resignation. Some music is also written to describe nature, like birds and how they fly and such. she answered to his question. A pierced audit tilted back, giving the boy a confused look, as well as his brow cocking. But the look disappeared as he realized that she was right, that music could be different in many ways. Just like everyone being different from one another. He nodded his head then. Here, try a 'happy' chord. Place your index finger on the second fret of that string there she spoke then, continuing with the lesson. Daisuke let her speak, and teach him, for he wanted to be able to get as much down as he could before it would be time for the mother to feed her pups, or when she needed to put the pups to bed or whatever. Daisuke put his finger on the fourth string that she had indicated and then put it on the second fret. Then place your middle finger on the second fret of the bottom string, and stretch your ring finger forward to the third fret of the string between. When you strum, leave out the top string, because it doesn't belong in the chord. That's a D major chord - major chords have a happier sound. she explained. He followed her instructions clearly, his fingers feeling slightly awkward at the stretch of the fingers, but it made him feel good to be able to learn this, and so he was going to "suffer" from the weird feeling. He'd get used to it.

He played the D major chord a few times, one out of three times he accidentally added the top string when he strummed it, which produced a sound that was different, even to where he could realize the difference. That wasn't right. he said, doing it again, this time, leaving out the first string completely. That's better. So that's a D-major:Happiness.. the male spoke, smiling lightly at the accomplishment. This is hella' fun. Teach me more. the male spoke, his eyes pleading for more.



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