or buried beneath the stones
Pendzez probably shouldn't know Jefferson's real name, btw. He's never told him. But I'll go along with it.

Jefferson glanced at the white wolf quickly when Pendzez was able to produce his last name from the blue; Jefferson knew himself to be Maluki Soul, that was indeed his birth name, but it was known only to a few individuals. The cyclops had never introduced himself as a Soul but simply Jefferson; he was connected to that family by blood alone. The Maluki they'd once known no longer existed, replaced only by the one-eyed monster that didn't deserve the family that had once loved him. Thus he was, and never would be, Jefferson Soul -- but simply Jefferson. He was simply a Soul by the blood in his veins.

"Yes," the cyclops said slowly, a suspicious eye falling on the white male. Not only was Jefferson alarmed that Pendzez knew of his indentity -- or half of it, anyway -- but he also knew of Haku. He couldn't be blamed for this, however; it would be more surprising if he didn't. Haku had earned himself quite the reputation, and most likely many of his underlings and comrades could see correlations between the cyclops and the Dahlian leader. "Haku is my youngest step-brother, as far as I know. I'm sure you can see why he can't be trusted." He sighed. "To think he leads a pack and everything. How someone like him can do it, I can't imagine." Somehow, he was doing something right -- Dahlia had far more members than the Valley, and it always had.


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