Worlds we never knew

Table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby!

OOC// :]


He took her hand, and Alaine let him, her emerald eyes watching the other carefully. He had been a boy when she'd met him, when he'd saved her life. A boy in a young man's body. But now, there was no doubt, that Daisuke was older and wiser than he'd been before, whether he knew it or not. Enchanted by his words, she felt the sorrow slip away, her hand twisting so that it could link fingers with his.

His next words speared straight to her heart. Overwhelmed, she felt the tears prickle hotly behind her eyes. Unable to fight them back, Alaine began to cry, truly cry, for the first time since she'd been raped. Silent sobs tore through her body, and the cream lady laughed at herself through the tears, her face twisted with both sorrow and immeasurable joy.

" O-of course you do, Daisuke. Thank you..."

This time, the smile was real, and it reached her glazed eyes and lit them up like sparkling emeralds. She believed him, she truly did, and it meant the world. Her hand tightened on his, while the other swiped away at the useless tears, embarrassed by her outward display of weakness. Thats what she'd always been taught tears were, a weakness, something that cowardly people shed. But right now, they felt... Right. She was allowed to cry, and nobody would stop her from expressing emotion again. Having composed herself, Alaine returned her attention to the golden youth, her other hand reaching out to rest on his cheek with the tenderness of a mother, or a sister. Thats what Daisuke had become to her, though neither of them knew it - Family, of a sort.

" Thank you," Her melodic voice was sturdier this time, not shaking with tears, " You've no idea how much that means to me and my son, Dai."

Watching him, she knew that he would keep his promise, come hell or high waters. If Daisuke was physically able, he would come to her if she called, if she needed him. Someday, Alaine feared, someday she would have to take up this promise of his. Someday she would need him - The mother's premonition sat ill in her gut for the briefest of moments, but her smile did not fade. Today was a good day.

Speak think walk!


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