Running up that hill
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ooc: Bahaha, I love your post XD

He replied with a voice smooth as honey, and Alaine felt a disgruntled warmth flush her face in a blush. Thankfully, it was hidden under her creamy fur. Embarrassed by her reaction, the young woman set about concentrating fully on tending Leroy's eye. Her fingers were light and soft, dancing over the torn flesh with skilled ease and caution, so as not to hurt him. She applied the goo thickly over the lashes, then moved down further to do the same to the neat cross on his upper cheek, just below the eye. His question startled her out of her deep concentration, and Alaine jolted slightly, her emerald gaze meeting his before shyly darting away.

" Oh, umm... When I was little. My mother was good at it, and I learned by watching her..."

She spoke in a soft, melodic voice. What was it about Leroy that was making her so darned jumpy? Scooping some more of the green poultice from the wooden bowl, she gently prodded it into the open, raw skin, wincing as she knew that it would sting quite a bit. To try and distract Leroy, she continued to talk, unaware of how her moving about brought their bodies more into contact.

" It interested me, I suppose. I like healing, making others feel a little better. We lived near the 'yotes territory, and we'd often get strangers wander through more than a little mangled up from confrontations. I helped my mother stitch them up, then send them on their way."

She began to hum quietly, the tune pretty and light. Her mother used to sing while tending wounds, but Alaine was far to shy to sing infront of a stranger, so she hummed instead.

Speak think walk
Table © Marit <3


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