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His shoulder takes heavy damage. Basically tries to eat off her face/throat/chest. 300+

Oh, how her flesh danced away from his hungry jaws. He sought her pulsing throat as his vision turned black with unadulterated greed. She leaned away from him and refused to soothe his drenched throat. He wanted to pursuit her delicious jugular further, but knew well that he would only waste moments that could be better spent. Teeth found her flesh and dug into her chest with all the force he could muster. His ecstasy was crippled with the amount of fur filling his mouth, but ah – red liquid poured out from the wound. He had dug deep and involuntarily followed her twisting body for a moment before he managed to detach his blood stained daggers from her lovely flesh. Salmon tongue darted quickly out to caress the tips of his oversized secui fangs and his heart fluttered with deadly desire now. Her precious blood had spoiled his warm chocolate fur, but Haku revelled at the deep red spray oozing from her punctured chest.

Instead of withering away and seeking escape she lunged at him again. Surprise was lit in his eyes, though it was not unknown to him that mortally injured beasts could easily be the most dangerous of them all. His brain noted this fact, but everything was pushed away now when crimson was starting to blur his vision. An emotion similar to both joy and impossible rage burned through him like a wildfire through dry grass; devouring everything in its path. He refreshed – reborn – as they collided heavily and a set of sharpened claws again found his already damaged shoulder. His body registered the sensation of damaged nerves sending jolts of actual pain into his drugged system, but he could not afford to acknowledge such a trivial sensation when the hunger overwhelmed his whole being. She could tear away all she wanted. His face moved rapidly and their hungry jaws collided again as they both sought for the same targets.

The large male pushed against her as he tried to gnaw off her face. Haku’s main weapon was his lethal jaws now, and he used all four limbs to push against her. Air danced with crimson molecules and his heart sang out with ecstasy as he pushed and pushed to rip open more skin to let out the delicious liquid.


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