let this world drown in these ultrasounds

Ilu2 300+

........Cambria understood the mesmerizing power of the ocean; it flowed within her, a part of her Marino heritage. So she was not surprised that the older female was at first unwilling to be interrupted from her reverie. In the interim the girl was content to also lose herself in the sound of the waves as they beat against the world above. It was a comforting a lulling sound, for all the violence that could potentially seen in the powerful forces of water. When Alexey finally turned to face her it was clear that she was not being recognized. It was hardly surprising, the last time they had seen each other Cambria had been a very small pup and now she was on the cusp of adolescence and shifted into her bipedal form. Quite the different picture.

........Still, finally the dots connected for the older fey and Cambria's face broke into a small smile, her tail wagging as the other called out her name. When Alexey said "Look at you!" she couldn't help but obey it as if it had been some sort of order. She looked at her slender arms and hands, the still new body that she still felt awkward in from time to time. Her sights were directed back towards Alexey though as she walked over to her. The compliment was unexpected and Cambria felt her cheeks turn a bright red beneath her dark fur. "Th-thank you, that's very nice of you to say." Mostly she still felt more the ugly duckling than the swan. The hug made that wall of uncertainty and nervousness melt away though and she hugged back.

........"I'm doing alright, was out looking for some plants for healing. I want to learn how to because Crimson Dreams doesn't have one anymore." Those sea green eyes looked curiously at the tan woman. "How are you? Why are you all the way out here?" Being such a homebody it was hard for her to think of a reason as to why someone would stray so far.


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