just a different scene
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... tloops.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #5B476D solid; font-size: 10px; line-height:12px;">

-.-; Basically, I suck. I've been dealing with a lot of stuff and been on absence basically since the end of November. . . We can wrap this up quickly, if you want? 300+ words.

#####This was what she wanted to do to so many others, attack them like this without any warning. Her brother deserved such a thing, and her uncle deserved it even more. At the very least, her brother had thought he had a reason to kill her, regardless of how incredibly twisted his reasoning had been. Vigilante had not had any reason to kill her mother, as far as Lolita knew. He had simply killed her mother and fled in the middle of the night, coward that he was. Truthfully, the crazed woman had no idea which male she wanted to hurt more; the male she was attacking was nothing but a target for her, and in a way, he was acting as a stand-in for her brother and her uncle alike. She hated them both, just like she hated the one she was attacking, even without having any reason to loathe him so much. Lolita did not even know the coyote's name, but it mattered little. He was simply something to use as a form of venting her anger, projecting it on the nearest individual.

#####She was taken by surprise, but it was to be expected. Lolita was not a fighter in the least, and she growled loudly, swearing as she hit the ground heavily. With how deranged she was now, though, it was easy for her to ignore any form of pain that had formed in her own body. All that mattered now was hurting him, for the irrational hatred that had grown within her. Quickly rolling over, she aimed to bite at the arm and shoulder closest to her, ignoring the trickle of blood she felt on her hip from hitting the ground. It was very light, but it was there. "I hate you!" she screamed, thrashing. "I hate you, whoever you are!" Despite her anger, the words came out very clearly, loud and distinct amidst her growls and snarls and the snapping of her teeth at the coyote.


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