On the shores of strange lands
Ok thank you again ^.^

The black she-wolf hacked up the rest of the icy water from her lungs and took slow deep breaths. The air, almost colder than the water, burned her throut and lungs. She tried to stand but fell back down once more. The wolf next to her seemed more than happy to have saved her, she ecstatic even. Laidaira shook her head lightly, cocked her ears and looked at the female. The little timber was just that...little, the petite female had pulled her from the crashing waves. The black wolfess' jaw almost hit the sand. Thats when the female remembered her saphire and the letter. She frantically patted herself down Necklace?...check Letter?... she made a slightly panicked face until she saw it. She took a releived breath and finally stood up to shake off ..Check. Only then did she turn to look at the small female again. She was bombarded with questions, she females voice filled her soaked ears. Princess...was this females name really princess? Who on earth would name thier pup that? However the she-wolf kept her muzzle, this wolfess did save her life and she would be polite to her.

She gave Princess a strange look and addressed her. "Um, hello Princess is it? Sorry my brain is alittle slow for the moment. My name is Laidaria Koli, but just call me Aria, its easier. I was thrown overboard my ship a few miles from here. Thats what i was doing in the water..." she paused for a moment to clear her throut, her voice sounded scratchy and weak from its usual rich quietness. "You see I am a sailor, a trader of the seas but yeah..." She turned and looked at the ocean as she scratched the back of her head. "Um, where exactly am I?" she turned back to the female and shivered alittle, the temperature was dropping and little snowflakes were starting to come down, she examined one that landed on her nose as she spoke to the little timber again. "And is there a place around here that we can get out of the cold? I just escaped the ice and would like to stay clear of it." She shook the water for her roots and sat down in the cold sand and removed her scarf and necklace to ring them out, then quickly placed them back on her.

Laidaria then began to scan the beach for anything that might make a good shelter, a cave or something, but she found nothing. There wasnt much there, at least not that she knew of, perhaps Princesses knowledge was greater than the females eyes. Had this not been such a cold day, it might have been enjoyable. The place was quiet, peacful, not very crowded either. It would be a good place for her to escape to should she choose to stay here. Laidaria turned to Princess and awaited patiently for the arrival of one of the leaders that the timber talked of.

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