
Sace/Hemming will be coming too! Next post is hers :3

She laughed as she dodged yet another of Hemming's snowballs, the sounds of their game traveling across the frozen mass that Aniwaya now was. Her snowshoes had been such a great and lucky find; Ember had chanced upon them on her last trip to Halifax and had brought them home with her on a whim. It wasn't until after the first snow that she had realized what they were for, after seeing a picture in a book of a human using them. She was a bit heavy for them and had made a few adjustments to their size, adding on to accommodate her.

The dark, cloaked wolf darted from tree to tree as her friend followed behind, avoiding most of his hits. They were heading for the borders, and she wondered how much longer he could run after her. She had trained each and every morning, morning after morning after morning of running and such...and she had the snowshoes! Would he follow her out?

Just as she was reaching the fence and going through a snowball got her square in the back of the head, and she fell forward. The fall knocked the wind out of her and she gasped for breath, trying to sit up. She hadn't been paying attention to anything besides Hemming, and hadn't noticed the strange scent on the breeze until now. It was really close, this smell! She tried to catch her breath as she walked a few steps farther, trying to see over the next hill.


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